dawn french and jennifer saunders' ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS, a tv show that first aired on the BBC in the early nineties, is one of my favorites of all time. it's about two best friends edina monsoon and patsy stone. patsy is a grace coddington type, model-turned-editor, while edina owns an incredibly successful public relations business, however, the time they spend in the office is minimal for their hobbies consist of chain smoking, drinking bolllinger champagne, and doing as many drugs as they can get their hands on. the comedy is just completely spot on. people fall into graves, burn down kitchens, fly to new york to find a door handle, and much more. the show mocks trends like yoga, kabbalah, anti-aging techniques, and above all: fashion. patsy has one solid uniform - a blonde beehive, white chanel suit, red lips. edina on the other hand is fully decked in christian lacroix at all times. she mixes prints and wears everything two sizes too small, but you have to love (and laugh at) her passion for designer brands and just how hard she tries to be the chic-est of all things chic. my mother and her friends would watch ABFAB religiously when i was a child. at first she tried to keep me away, but in the end i won out. i think i knew what the meaning of "stoli" and "naomi campbell" before i could ever properly read. talk about childhood heroes... i think a part of me still aspires to be them.
the covers of katie grand's LOVE magazine were released over the weekend. i think coco sumner has a great look, and she looks so much like her father (sting). i've never heard of alex hartley, but he looks promising. i mean, if katie grand likes him, there's got to be something right? we'll see....however, i must say i am a bit worried about miley cyrus and the jonas brothers being some of the featured contributors..
this movie is genius. director kenny ortega, who is responsible for xanadu, dirty dancing, and the high school musical phenomenon, really knows how to get it right. hocus pocus is completely on point in every regard; there are no loose ends, nothing falls through the cracks. the music is great -- bette midler's "i put a spell on you" performance is to DIE for. actually, midler's entire performance is just fantastic. playing winifred sanderson, the brains behind the three sisters, she is so excellently over the top that hocus pocus has become a cult classic. sarah jessica parker's interpretation of a dumb blonde is a breath of fresh air from witty carrie bradshaw, and kathy najimy's blubbering mess is one of the funniest performances i have seen in a very long time. this movie gets a 10/10 in my book.
- peter lindbergh in the sept. 2009 HARPER'S BAZAAR